
Kendall and Kylie Jenner style – under budget

May 29, 2015

Lots of teenage girls want to look like Kendall and Kylie Jenner. But that can really put a dent in your wallet. I mean, after all, just the blue jeans that Kendall and Kylie Jenner wear probably cost over $200.

There is a way, however, to mimic their style without going bankrupt. Because let’s be honest, their taste in clothing is fabulous but it might be a little out of our regular price range.

I took a few pics from each of their Instagram pages and spent a couple intense hours on Polyvore until I officially found four casual looks that mirror the Jenner outfits in them. Not everything is similar, but it’s the closest thing I could find with a budget under or about 100 bucks.

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FullSizeRender (1)First up: Kylie in a military cargo jumpsuit from her brand new clothing line she made with her big sis that hasn’t even been launched yet. You’ll be able to find the exact outfit soon — Kendall+Kylie will be available at Topshop starting June 3 — but here is something to keep you from your desperate urges to own this outfit now… This outfit is so hot I would literally wear it every single day if I could. But, don’t worry, I won’t. I wouldn’t dare commit a fashion crime.

Here’s where and how to achieve this look:

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With just a white crop top and a pair of torn up jean shorts, Kendall Jenner has managed to make a casual outfit hot as hell. Adding the thigh high gladiator sandal, which is my favorite part of the look, was especially smart and bold. First, gladiator sandals aren’t as popular as they were a couple of years ago but she still manages to pull off the look. Just remember that a shoe that goes up as high as your thigh might not be the smartest idea for someone of a shorter height. Kendall Jenner is a 5-foot, 11-inch model, so unless you are her height or in that tall vicinity, I would stick to a shorter gladiator sandal. Maybe around your ankle? These sandals have a tendency to make legs look short and stubby. Be extremely careful.

Here’s where and how to achieve this look:

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FullSizeRender (2)Spotted walking in the city with two of her friends, Kylie Jenner’s outfit is what caught my eye. I’m actually obsessed with this short denim dress. It’s the perfect combination of edgy and casual. Jean everything is coming back. And although her boots are also thigh high, I chose short ones for the same purpose as the gladiator sandals.

Here’s where and how to achieve this look:

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FullSizeRender (4)The last look and the simplest. Kendall Jenner has always been known to be the most pure and natural out of her whole family. This picture of Kendall in short white shorts and a white tee was taken for her modeling career in New York but I would wear it out anyway. It’s so simple that it helps emphasize your other features. That’s what I like most about it. It doesn’t distract from you. And I think that’s what she intended when she wore this.

Here’s where and how to achieve this look:

Wearing expensive and fashionable clothing can make you feel like a princess. But there are other ways to achieve that feeling too. You can still dress fashionably with a budget, and look just like these beautiful ladies without spending so much money.

Hope this inspires you not only to jump out there and go shopping — shopping is always good — but also to feel free to replicate outfits you love but think you can’t afford. You’d be surprised at how easy you can.

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